I thought I'd toss an ad for my Patreon up here! If you'd like to support me and help my comics to continue, you can do so and get lots of rewards by going to https://www.patreon.com/MikeLLunsford
Hey everyone! For the first time that I can remember while making Supernormal Step, I'm gonna take a holiday break this year.
I'm feeling sick and stressed and having a heck of a time getting this latest page drawn. So I'd rather take a brief vacation instead of breaking myself. Next page will go up on the 28th
Hope you can understand.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Hey folks! I'm helping out with Desrt Bus again this year!
Desert Bus is a charity marathon that raises money for children's hospital. Each year they livestream for a whole week, entertaining viewers in nerdy ways, having cool auctions for geeky things. It starts Nov. 17th at 10 AM PST.
As for my part, I've made posters for all 11 years of the event, and I'll be doing that again this year! I watch as much as I can and I draw all their antics onto a poster, which is then also sold off to help with the charity.
Tune in and watch! I always have a blast and I hope you do too!
I haven’t been doing great this year, so I’m selling my leftover ECCC prints finally! If you want one, you can get them for $10 each at my store here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PulpPunk
Once the stock is all sold, there won’t be any more made, so get them while you can!
Hey everyone! I got to do a NSFW comic for Slipshine! (an 18+ Only Website)
It's called Zuzka's Hex Life (find it in the Artist's Showcase). It's a story about a naked boy who stumbles across a punky witch's house in the woods. Check it out if you'd like!
Having a comments section on the comic was great at first, but lately it’s just been making me more and more depressed. I don’t blame anyone specifically for this, or really anyone who posted there, moderating them has just made me very sad, that’s a me-problem I think.
Either way, getting depressed every time I post a page, or feeling anxiety about posting pages knowing I will have to face comments, makes drawing the pages harder. I needed to remove them for my own health and the health of the comic.
I hope you all understand.
Don't panic!
Okay now that that's out of the way, it's true. I'm planning to end the comic in about a year! Not sure exactly how long it will take at the moment, but I decided a while ago I need to start working toward the end of this story and move on to something new.
I've been working on Supernormal Step since 2009, and when I started I didn't know much about writing. I've learned a lot since then, but with that comes the knowlege that I could do better with a stronger base to start with. So I thought I'd let you know ahead of time that this is it, we're headed for the endgame.
But just because Supernormal Step is ending, doesn't mean I'm done with webcomics. I'm already in the process of building a new world to play in. If you want to see me going through that process you could follow me on twitter, I've been posting some concept art and stuff there for a while now.
Until then, we still have a whole dang year! Hope you enjoy what happens next!